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Object Description
A black and white photo of three women, an old man, and a younger man. They are outside. The old man sits in the middle of the picture with one of the women crouching at his right side, the other man and the other two women are standing behind the man and the crouching woman.
Photographs donated by Mae Counelis from her mother, Koula Lazou Counelis' estate.

Mae H. Counelis, of Berwyn, IL, was born on Feb. 10, 1931, to the late Koula and Anthony Counelis. She was raised in Chicago Heights, IL, and graduated from Bloom High School. Mae received a bachelor of science degree from George Washington University, Washington, DC. She worked in the research department of the U of I, Chicago. Later, she worked in cancer research at Schering Corp. in NJ where she developed a patent for helping to cure cervical cancer.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/4281. Accessed 05/07/24.