Object ID
Object Name
Date Created
canvas, watercolors
Object Entities
Panikis, (created by)
Panikis, (is related to)
Object Description
A watercolor painting of Pandroseum and Minerva's Olive Tree from 1990 by Panikis. The sky is mostly blue with some pink, purple, and white. On the left is the olive tree and it is mostly green with yellow, black, blue, red, and purple colors for shading. The tree has a skinny brown trunk and at the bottom there is a blue wire frence. There is a small pink colored bush infront of the tree. There is a wall of grey bricks that goes about a third of the way up the picture and all the way across. Behind that there is are columns that make up the Pandroseum. Behind the columns on the left side there are red and pink bricks. The bricks and the top of the columns are broken and have missing parts. The edges of the canvas has a torn look.
Panikis is a greek painter, he made this watercolor painting in 1990.
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Painting, 1990, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/8890. Accessed 05/02/24.