Oral History
Oral History

Object ID
Anthony, Anne
Object Name
Oral History
Date of Interview
June 28, 2013
Object Description
In this video oral history interview, Anne Anthony describes growing up as a child of Greek immigrant parents in Bangor, Maine. She speaks about her schooling and her family's home in Bangor and summer home at Hermon Pond. Anthony details her trip to Paris, France, to visit her brother where she met her future husband, and her marriage in Paris. She speaks about her life in Paris after marriage, her return to Bangor, and eventual move to Southern California.


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Oral History interview with Anthony, Anne, June 28, 2013, National Hellenic Museum Oral History Collection (OH1), National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/205. Accessed 06/03/24.