Object ID
Object Name
Runner, Table
Date Created
Object Entities
Neokos, Ernie (is related to)
Object Description
Large oval table runner with a crochet trim made to look like lace. There is a mirrored image on each side of the runner done in multicolor string. The image is about three inches from the end of the runner and is about thirteen inches tall. It is an image of three flowers in a basket. The flowers themselves have red petals, minus the four top ones which are pink and they all have a yellow center. They have steams coming from each which are made with light brown and green thread. The basket they are sitting in is created with black and gold string. The base of the basket is almost shaped like a vase: smaller base, neck, and lip. Between the lip and neck, the basket is decorated with small crisscross patterns, where the gold string cross there is a small black dot. There are also vertical black lines that surround and make panels of the gold crisscross pattern. The neck is shown by two long oval shapes boarded in black with thin gold horizontal lines in between. The base has the same panels of crisscrossed gold string with black dots. Above the flowers is the handle that is twisted with black and gold stitching. This image of the flowers in a basket is on the opposite side of the runner as well and can also be seen on the underside.
Handmade in Greece and used as a decorative house accessory. The creater of this piece is unknown but it possibly could have been apart of a dowry, most women didn't have much to their name when first getting married, but would have much time to make creations like this so when married they would bring all of these pieces with them.
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Runner, Table, 1900s, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/7305. Accessed 03/15/25.