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Object Description
Black and white photograph of a town in the mountains. The picture was taken at an elevated angle, perhaps on a hill beside the town. In the front of the picture, gravel rocks and some bushes can be seen. The town has trees throughout it. Most of the buildings are white with darker colored roofs. The most prominent feature of the town is what looks like a church in the middle. It has three pillars, one with a rounded dome, and is white. Behind the town, there are some fields, after which there are the mountains. Approcimately 1/3 of the photograph is taken up by the sky. The back of the picture has a stamp with Greek writing on it.
This was found in an envelope with F2016.140 and F2016.142. They are thought to be pictures of the same town taken over a strech of years.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/4982. Accessed 05/05/24.