Object ID
Object Name
Photo Paper
Object Description
Photographic print, black and white, mounted on thick white cardboard. There are two punched circle holes orientated toward the right, and evenly spaced from one another, and are punched in both the photo and the cardboard backing. Group of people, including a group of young boys dressed as altar servers in robes made from a fabric with a sheen, with one server leading the rest; in his hands he carries a framed icon painting of the Virgin Mary with chold Jesus in her hands, with the child Christ touching the chin of Mary, and holding a rolled scroll in his other hand. Icon in a Byzantine art style with highly stylized figures and a background which appears to be one single, flat color. Behind the lead altar server, two other younger seeming boys can be seen holding candles . Ahead of the group of altar serves is a girl in a white dress who carries another framed picture. The angle she holds it obscures the detail, but it appears to be a painting of two men in robes, with beards, and disc-shaped halos around their heads. The two men are standing on a checkered tile floor with a decorated archway above their heads. Around the scene is an ornate rectangular border. The girl with the painting, and the altar servers, including the lead with the icon painting, are in what seems to be the center aisle of a church. Beside them on the right0hand side are a few elderly men in suits. On the left-hand side, the back of a young boy's head can be seen, and he is seated in a pew. In the background there are carvings and other ornamentation on the walls of the church's naive and threshold that separates the naive and the narthex
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/4724. Accessed 05/03/24.