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Object Description
Balck and white photograph of a store front. The letters on the window identify the store as "Central Candle MFG. CO." and that they sell "wholesale" the letters on the other window are at an angle so less clear but say the same words in Greek. Behind the glass of the front displays are rows of tall and short candles interspersed with religious images of christ on the cross and saints in various biblical scenes. Numbers over the door identify this store as 705 although it doesn't give a street number
The folder that this image was found in folder labeled "Greeks of Chicago" therefore we can assume but do not have any tangible proof that this photo was taken in Chicago Greektown. Since the photo is in Black and white it is likely that it was taken before the 1960s when University of Illinois at Chicago took over the old Greektown. 705 (the number in the photo) Halsted Street is now on Univeristy of Illinois Campus where the original Halsted Street Greektown Delta used to be. Central Candle Co. most likely died in the takeover of greektown or went out of bussiness for any number of other reasons.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/4639. Accessed 05/03/24.