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Object Description
A black and white photograph of a woman standing beside an entricately decorated wooden table. The woman is wearing a black dress which is mid calf lengthh, with elbow length sleeves. She is wearing a pearl necklace, and has short black hair. She is weaeing black stockings and black shoes. She has her left arm behind her back, and the other arm resting on the table.
Donated by Rose Kundanis on behalf of Bertha Kundanis. Rose has taught for 18 years at Keene State College in Journalism, developing the broadcast journalism courses. Her Ph.D. is from the University of Tennessee -- Knoxville in Communication. She has been the executive producer for Keene State College Television since 1989 and produced shows including coverage of the New Hamphsire Primaries in 1992, 1996 and 2004. In addition she teaches a Communication course she developed on children and media, using her own textbook titled Children, Teens, Families and Mass Media: The Millennial Generation published in July 2003.

This photo is of Rose Sirious Kundanis.
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Photograph, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/4181. Accessed 05/07/24.