Object ID
Object Name
25.24252 cm. Diameter Since this is a doily, the dimensions may change depending on how it is displayed., Item (Overall)
Object Entities
Hahn, Elizabeth (is related to)
Korellis, Ann (is related to)
Related Items
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Postcard, 2002.51.12.3
Postcard, 2002.51.12.1
Postcard, 2002.51.12.2
Program, 2002.51.37
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Slide, 2002.51.25.4
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Slide, 2002.51.25.6
Black and White Photograph, 2002.51.5
Doily, 2002.51.9.2
Wick, 2002.51.15
Doily, 2002.51.C
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Doily, 2002.51.2.B
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Doily, 2002.51.5.1
Doily, 2002.51.1.A
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Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.72
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.73
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.74
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.75
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.76
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.77
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.78
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.79
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.80
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.81
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.82
Record, Phonograph, 2002.51.83
Access Points
Object Description
Circular cream-colored doily with a dark blue crocheted edge depicting a windmill, which is surrounded in a circle of dark blue, except for the landscape. This landscape includes green trees and bushes, along with a brown house with a dark blue roof. Along the pathway of the house, there are four flowers on each side (yellow, blue, red, and purple). The tower of the windmill is done in dark red, while the blades are light blue and have a crisscross pattern.
Doilies are used to protect furniture or as decoration. The windmill depicted in this picture appears to be a tower mill. Tower mills have a stone or brick tower, on top of which is a cap that rotates to allow the blades to catch the most wind. The mills were first created in Europe in the 13th century.

This item appears to be item 2002.51.4 in the accession record, though the embroidered object is said to be a lighthouse. However, another object was found (2007.36.2) which depicts windmills but is also labeled as lighthouses, indicating that there was confusion between the two.
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Doily, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/11195. Accessed 03/15/25.