Object ID
Object Name
Bronze; Metal; Wood
Object Entities
Gouzeas, William (is related to)
Access Points
Object Description
Sports trophy. Wooden oval base with a rectangular pedastool in the center. At the front of the pedestool is a bronze plaque which reads:
"1978 N.H.I.B.T. TOURNEY
Atop the pedestool sits the bronze portion of the trophy. A column with ornate leaves around it's base supports a bowl type structure withtwo handles, one on either side. Each handle is rounded and has a wreathon it's outside. Atop this bowl is another pedestool. at it's base are the 5 olympic rings and standing on top of this is an thelete in sneakers, shorts, and a tank top reaching upward on his tippy toes. One arm is extended and in that hand is a ball. The type of ball though is indescernable.
"N.H.I.B.T. stands for "National Hellenic Invitational Basketball Tournament". It provided a way for Greek American youths to become involved, socialize, and play Basketball. It was founded in 1931 and continues to function today as a non-profit organization. It is open nationally and hosts 4 divisions: Men,women, boys highschool and juinior boys and tournaments are hosted in Chicago. In 1978, the tournament was won by Chicago.
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Trophy, National Hellenic Museum, https://collections.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/Detail/objects/10458. Accessed 04/27/24.